Watershed Base Plan Final ReportClick here to download the Watershed Base Plan Final Report Quinnipiac Watershed Base Plan Updates (QWBP)
As part of the ongoing efforts to improve water quality in the Quinnipiac River watershed, we want to make sure you are kept apprised of various activities going on and continued opportunities for participation in these watershed activities. We welcome your participation in this project. This is a ten year plan in which all towns in the Quinnipiac Watershed should engage.The QRWA Steering Committee met on June 24th, 2014 to discuss the proposed projects in the Quinnipiac Watershed Base Plan. Members of the committee outlined a "plan for the plan", and have done an outreach to the town leaders in which projects have been sited in the plan. QRWA will be seeking funding opportunities and engaging town leaders to participate in discussions about the projects. If you are interested in serving on the committee, or would like a copy of the final plan you may refer to the tab on this website labeled "watershed news" and then click on the watershed base plan. . Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. was retained to lead the development of the watershed based plan, working with a Project Steering Committee (QRWA, CTDEEP, and EPA) and a Watershed Stakeholders Group consisting of representatives from the watershed municipalities, government organizations, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and others who live and work within the watershed. City and Town staff and volunteers are currently working with the Quinnipiac River Watershed Association to revise the plan and the latest updated information on your watershed and future actions is available. This project is funded in part by the CTDEEP through an EPA Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grant, with additional outreach support from The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven through the Quinnipiac River FundFor a copy of the final base plan you may refer to tab labeled "watershed news" , and then click on the watershed base plan.| | Share |