Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Quinnipiac River Watershed AssociationQinnipiac River Watershed Association
About UsProgramsCalendarBoard & StaffVolunteer for a CommitteeContact & Membership RenewalWatershed NewsPhotos
ResearchEmvironmental EducationAdvocacyJoin or Donate Today

To become a member or to renew your membership fill out the form below or you may download the membership level form via Adobe Acrobat; click here if you don't have a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, download one free from Adobe at www.adobe.com   We are no longer able to fulfill the pictured items with new membership, however, all membership renewals and new membership will receive a QRWA membership card. 

If you are mailing a form, or application with a payment please send it to:

The Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
PO Box 2825,  Meriden, CT 06450 
Attn: membership


Please tell us about yourself: (* denotes required fields)

First Name *
Last Name *
State Zip
Phone *
Email *

Please select a membership or donation level from the list below:
(Select all that apply. You will be asked to calculate your total donation for PayPal on the next screen.)

Student/Senior Membership: $15 includes Membership Card
Individual Membership: $20 QRWA embossed silicone bracelet
Family Membership: $30 includes all of the above plus a tote
Wood Duck/Bronze Member: $75 includes all of the above plus a t-shirt
King Fisher/Silver Member: $175 includes all of the above plus a picnic blanket in a bag
Turtle/Gold Member: $350 includes all of the above plus folding chair
Osprey/Platinum Member: $700 includes all of the above plus free canoe/kayak instruction for family of 4
Bald Eagle/Life Member: $1000+ includes all gifts plus use of our facility, including boats for one day, up to 6 hours in accordance with "reservation guidelines and instructions" as outlined in the QRWA rental agreement
No need to include any items with my membership

Other Donation Level

QRWA building fund
Bee and Butterfly Habitat
Environmental Education 
Fish Stocking Fund
Source to Sound Fund

Additional Comments:

(please use this area to identify any other level of contribution and/or membership you plan to make online via PayPal.)

Enter the code shown above
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